
Early Childhood Volunteer

Serve once a month in the infant or preschool room. Responsibilities with the infant room include engaging our babies and toddlers in faith activities, assisting with snack time, and helping our babies learn that church is a fun safe place. Responsibilities in our preschooler classroom include teaching a lesson through curriculum, assisting with snack, and engaging with kids as they discover more about God.



Responsibilities include welcoming families and engaging in conversation with parents who stay, supervision of Kids areas for safety (gate keeper), ensuring kids are in their appropriate places and following our “I Can” statements. Must be 18 years or older.


Elementary Small Group Leaders & Worship Leader

Serve weekly on Wednesday nights through the fall & spring semesters. Responsibilities include crowd control, encouraging participation during worship and leading a specific small group discussion. The worship leader shares the same responsibilities, except instead of preparing for leading a small group they prepare to lead all kids in a time of praise and worship. Must be 18 years or older.


Meal donations

Responsibilities include preparing or supplying a meal or snack for our kids programs. If purchasing and having the items simply delivered, the background checks and training do not apply; however, if any interaction will be had with children, all of our safety policies must be followed.


summer camp team

A group of cabin and facilitating counselors that spend a week with Kids Ministry at camp. We also take a worship leader, medical professional, and guest speaker. Select youth positions might be available as auxiliary counselors; however, the cabin and facilitating counselors must be 18 years or older.


special events team

Throughout the course of the year we will have individual events such as VBS, Parents Night Out, or other programs. These each require unique volunteer needs but often offer more flexibility. The Kids Director will promote any opportunities as they come available.

Complete the form below to serve in Kids Ministry!